Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007


sieht nicht so gut aus aber schmeckt super!!

Hisashiburi dane!! It has been a long time since i wrote here..huhuhu..and guess what, we (my group and i) juz passed up our axel project today!!feels like a very heavy burden has been lifted up from my shoulders..haa

And today i got the chance to cook some proper food after almost 2 weeks of eating bread for dinner (kesian kn?ish3...). And the seafood spaghetti that i cooked also is quite delicious, considering this is the 1st time i tried cooking it *angkat bakul sendiri*
and the best part is eating dinner in front of my laptop while enjoying dramas..ahh..feels like heaven!!

Somehow, i also think that i shouldn't waste my time too much rite? During my busy days i remembered about this one sentence: 'Ingat 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara..Lapang sebelum sempit'..that sentence really striked me that time..and i know that i should learn to appreciate my free time and do something useful when i'm free..

juz a reminder and muhasabah diri to all my friends,

Ingat 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara
muda sebelum tua
sihat sebelum sakit
lapang sebelum sempit
kaya sebelum miskin
hidup sebelum mati

5 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

peringatan yang bagus, can't be a better timing :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

u should have made this entry earlier lol. wasted a lot of time this sem..cant turn back time:(

btw,lapar la plak tgk spaghetti...

Anonym hat gesagt…

yeah...like dex, i wasted a lot of time too and still doing it right now...lol...playing games and everything...man, i need 'pencahayaan agung bawah pokok Bo'

p/s: selama aku dok sini tak penah masak spaghetti lagi...lol...kasik resepi!

der Neugeborene hat gesagt…

hahaha..recipe 4 spaghetti:
rebus spaghetti
rebus seafood:udang,sotong,kerang etc..
goreng garlic cincang nipis dgn olive oil
mskkn seafood rebus td
tmbh garam n gula
mskkn spaghetti
klu nk kuah tmbh air rebus seafood td
siap!!sng jeh..haha..tp sdp maa

Anonym hat gesagt…

kate ar pengaruh cite bambino..hahaha