Montag, 17. März 2008

talking about 1st impressions

Today is the 1st day for the summer semester..n of course, the class started a little late..ade Gottesdienst pulak pg bgs jugak..i can sleep in a little..

Getting back to the topic, in my opinion we shouldn't let others to leave us impressions about other people..for example about my thermodynamik lecturer, Prof Rittmann..from what i heard from Skabah and Hilmi he seems strict and u can expect less smile from him and all..but actually he seems like a nice lecturer to me.

So, what i think is that, it's ok to ask your friends for opinions on someone..but just don't let their opinions have a strong effect on your impressions..or else you will have trouble with the person that u met the 1st time..lagi2 la kalau macam aku yang nak mengadap Prof Rittmann the whole semester nih..haha

Lg satu, this post is bukan untuk mngutuk Skabah and Hilmi..just a post of my opinion..korang dua jangan la feel offended k? There's still a lot of things that i can learn from you guys. Nanti aku belanje korang makan =p
Alles Gute zum neuen Semester!!

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

kao bior btul dah masuk summer? baru bulan

ileena hat gesagt…

god bless.
it is still snowing in here!!!!!