the weather here in Aalen has been nothing short but schrecklich (it means 'awful' in english)..and yesterday it was snowing from morning to 3 pm in the afternoon..n everyone also cannot go out due to this bad weather.. i think there is a connection between bad weather and bad day..for me, a bad day is caused by a bad weather..tgkla smlm..i couldn't go out until 3 pm..n then when i finally could go out, i discover that kedai asia dh stock of ikan bilis dh abis..what to do??tak boleh dh r msk nasi goreng or jemput2 or anything else..n then when i checked out the quiksilver shop pn dh tutup jugak..
FYI i'm not a shopaholic, but i juz wanna buy a pullover, because i discover that i actually don't have a pullover..n it's getting colder day by day here..
i've been very lazy lately..xkire la in terms of mls nk belajar or mls kemas bilik..but the main point is i'm getting lazier..why eh?i juz cleaned up my room..but i think the tidiness of my room won't last for at least juz a week..what to do..
2 Kommentare:
alaaaa..xyahla kemas bilik ko 2..xde mnnye akan kemas..dok cam2 gak nnt..hahaha..
ulu gi aalen, dah snow....bapak aa kampung...hehehe
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