Montag, 16. Juni 2008


football..hmm..skrg ni musim football..of course la, everybody knows that it is currently the Euro 2008 season now..

actually this post is about football too..aber nicht bestimmt ueber EM 2008..i wanna talk about the proud of the people when their teams play in an international tournament..

imagine, when you're in somewhere overseas like deutschland..and seeing the fans supporting their own teams..and you're sitting there melangut sambil menyokong bukan team negara sendiri..i mean of course la Malaysia x masuk EM ni..tapi kalau tengok world cup and your country didn't qualify for it..menghampakan btol..tambah lagi kalau your friends who have their own teams entering the tournament..and then diorang kutuk Malaysia xmasuk pulak (mcm Selcuk..hahaha)

so i think Malaysia national football team must improve themselves..don't just talk big, but nothing is done..harap tukar baju baru je untuk Asia Cup tp kalah every match..dh la tuan rumah..huhu

that's all for this all my friends, enjoy the EM 2008 but don't forget to study, exam dah dekat (this apllies to me too =p )

p/s:forza italia!! go van Basten..jgn bg Romania mng! ich kann nur die Daumen drucken