i just sent my contract for the practical semester to ZF earlier today..hope that everything will go on smoothly..now there's one thing less to worry about. The next thing is to settle search for a room in Friedrichshafen for the practical semester and start seriously studying for the exams. Oo my motivation where did you fly to..coz i need you rite now..huhu
it's already 11pm here..and usually at this hour during my past holidays in malaysia i would sit in front of the tv watching The Sopranos on HBO with my parents..it's funny in a some way that there's always a character that will die almost in every episodes (of course murdered by those mafias)..hahaha..
and after the show we'll watch The Nanny on Starworld (if i'm not mistaken) and laugh all the way till the end of the show..it's so hilarious how the butler and nanny Fine would always have new ideas to get on CC's nerves..but sometimes in a way i pity CC..coz it's always her who become the victim..oh well..
I need a break..
I miss my family... =(
my 2 brothers during raya =)
4 Kommentare:
ni influence picassa baru nih hahaa
motivation ada kat karlsruhe nun. (eh, betul kan? :P)
btw, muka adik beradik kau sebijik! igtkan yang seblah kiri tu kau. which one is hanan?
hannan yg kt sblh kanan tu..sblh kiri adin
weh..friedrichshafen yg dekat2 ngan konstanz tu ke? nice aa kalo situ, bleh aku crash bile2...haha
hanan bkn kat russia ke? akak ko..hahahaha
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