Sonntag, 25. Mai 2008


evil caffeine molecule vs temptation

coffee be precise caffeine addiction is something that increase with your age..and something that u can't run from. i wonder why is that so? i'm positive that our parents most probably wouldn't make coffee for us when we're little and told us that we need to drink those everyday, right? But as we get older, we tend to try coffee since it's like macho or cool to drink coffee and be like adults, hence addicted to coffee.(this is just my opinion)

of course there's the pros and cons of drinking appears to reduce the risk Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson disease, heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2 (what is that type 2 thingy??) etc. but too much of coffee will lead to Hypomagnesaemia (go ask ur doctor friends what this is..i don't know), coronary heart disease, increase the risk of acid reflux etc.

so it depends on how you look at it..too much of something is always bad, right?

If you're trying to low your coffee dosage or even stop drinking's some tips:

1. try other hot beverages for a change, z.B. herbal tea,hot choc etc. coz normally the addiction to coffee includes addiction of having hot drinks.

2. try changing from espresso based coffee to grain coffee bcoz grain coffee is naturally caffeine free.

3. if u go to starbucks or costa or other coffee houses, try ordering decaffeinated coffee instead of the normal ones. decaf coffee has 85% less caffeine

4. go smash ur friends or ur university coffee machine (in my case) ;p

that's all for this time guys. cheers!

5 Kommentare:

ainihanan hat gesagt…

been sipping nescafe since... can't remember. at first i started drinking milk everynight before sleep, then i started adding nescafe into it. and the amount of nescafe i add started to increase eversince. haih.

p.s. hari ni aku terpengaruh ngan kau. am currently sipping black tea with honey instead of sugar. haha. best2.

Anonym hat gesagt…

drinking plain coffee is not so bad, compared to drinking those ice blended and frappacinos and lattes at starbucks or other coffee shops. the amount of sugar and fat in those drinks is just absurdly high.

i've read yesterday about this coffee based drink from baskin robbins which contains 2100++ calories(kcal) in it.

talking bout a whole day of energy in just one drink. haish..

p.s. gak, nak gak ikut akak ko cakap cheers lepas habis blog...takleh pisah la korang ni..

der Neugeborene hat gesagt…

hanan:hehehe..bgs2..i managed to 'pengaruh' u!hahaha

bado:tu la psl..i read about that too..sumwhere kt yahoo featured kot..the worst drink in america or sumthing..haha..nway aku xtau yg akak ko ijat wat gitu gk..tukar2 psni..huhuhu

ainihanan hat gesagt…

tak paham knape sumorg nak jadi adik ijat. ada sesape nak jadi adik aku?


Anonym hat gesagt…

haha. im addicted to coffee gak. tp tgh try kurgkan aa... tp coffee sedap~