machinery elements
well today i had my 1st class of machinery elements (maschinen elemente auf deutsch) with Herr Ebert.well my 1st opinion is that he is a very good professor..but he really 'dropped a bomb' to me today..what do you expect..we already got our project on the first day..eventhough we have not even touch anything on this subject..and now we have to start working on this project..hmm..komisch..
in the picture above is the introduction of the project and the picture of the cd-player was my homework for the subject machinery elements..because i have two blocks of machinery elements per week and each one of them is managed by different professors..one is by Herr Ebert and the other is Herr Merkel..btw the 'cd-player' homework is from Herr Merkel..Herr Merkel is kinda interesting and friendly too..
today i had another kostenlose bukak puasa..hahaha..dh berape hari dh asyik bukak free jer..kelmarin dkt burren,smlm kt masjid n today is courtesy of org2 turki kt sini..Alhamdulillah..may Allah bless them..rs terharu bile tgk masyarakat Islam kt oversea pn kuat jugk..
black swindler
recently juz finished watching kurosaki:the black swindler..best..it's not like the latest story..n i'm not much of a fan of yamapi but horikita maki is really2 cute ~cuteness~ ;)
well today i had my 1st class of machinery elements (maschinen elemente auf deutsch) with Herr Ebert.well my 1st opinion is that he is a very good professor..but he really 'dropped a bomb' to me today..what do you expect..we already got our project on the first day..eventhough we have not even touch anything on this subject..and now we have to start working on this project..hmm..komisch..
in the picture above is the introduction of the project and the picture of the cd-player was my homework for the subject machinery elements..because i have two blocks of machinery elements per week and each one of them is managed by different professors..one is by Herr Ebert and the other is Herr Merkel..btw the 'cd-player' homework is from Herr Merkel..Herr Merkel is kinda interesting and friendly too..
today i had another kostenlose bukak puasa..hahaha..dh berape hari dh asyik bukak free jer..kelmarin dkt burren,smlm kt masjid n today is courtesy of org2 turki kt sini..Alhamdulillah..may Allah bless them..rs terharu bile tgk masyarakat Islam kt oversea pn kuat jugk..
black swindler
recently juz finished watching kurosaki:the black swindler..best..it's not like the latest story..n i'm not much of a fan of yamapi but horikita maki is really2 cute ~cuteness~ ;)
8 Kommentare:
hmm..kenyang gle td iftar..mmg happeningla abg2 turki yg ensem dan gagah..hehe..
masyarakat islam oversea pon kuat jugak?...kuat giler laa kalu nak dibandingkan ngan masyarakat islam mesia...huhu
hmm..bole diterima pndgn fan2 nih..tp asal keji sgt nk anonymous gk nih??huhuhu
uwwek..glo ke apo..
kuat?....hurmmm muncung.... jage2 skit ngan penggunaan ayat~ XD
btw, ko usha gk ek kurosaki? leh thn tp byk sgt 'penerangan' jadik mls aku nk folo :P
aghhh....aku tak nampak pon abg2 ensem..apatah lagi gagah...malaysians kat sini pon ramai gak taf2
kostenlose iftar...kalau makan nak kostenlos je..
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