well..since i'm studying in Germany..i have a lot of opportunities to tour around Europe..and as an observant person (at least i think so myself), i didn't fail to notice about the similarities of European Countries. So far i've been to Paris, Amsterdam, Manchester, and also the places in Germany of course..and what i can see when i walk through their market street are shops, which their branches are everywhere around Europe.
take as an example, the picture above..that's the Clockhouse Store in Amsterdam that's incorporated with the fashionable cloth store C&A. I saw a lot of C&A not only in Germany, but also in Paris, Amsterdam, etc..come to think of it, why is it like that?
well..from my point of view (and my mere knowledge in the law of this world), this is all the consequence of GLOBALISATION. The only reason why we see a lot of these shops is that they are the big fishes..they're the one that's controlling the market in Europe. And this is what will happen when you open your market. Well, 'they' are the law of the nature..'survival of the fittest..'
Pardon me, but i'm not really an opposer to globalisation..but one must know that everything have consequences, and have their bright and dark side. And from my opinion, through globalisation, a country could lose their entity..imagine the people here only wear those kind of commercial brands (Esprit, Clockhouse, Zara, etc..) so how can the local industries survive?
sorry readers for the long article though..
8 Kommentare:
yeah..sokonglah barangan buatan tempatan!!
lain kali travel ajak aku!
p.s. make sure dpt important contact numbers before your flight takes off...merisaukan!!!
ckp byk btol hakim ni...last2 pegi shopping gak,blanje duit tak ingat punye..ni apehal rajin sgt blogging ni?
i'll keep dat in mind hanan ;)
hope locals take this chance to improve emselves~ :D
or 'gulung tikar'XO
kenapa x mention red light district kat amsterdam..dah la sebab tu buyet nak balik lambat..hehehehe
hahaha...nnt klu haidar tau susah lak aku..dipersalahkn..hahahaha
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