i hate it when someone stole ur ideas n make it their own..well, not like directly steal it..but it's like when u already thought about that certain idea and wanna go on with it, then only u realise that the other person already made it..i don't care who thought about that first, coz i thought about it myself..but when the one who 'steal' ur idea is the same person who did that the last time..it gets on my nerves..
i wanna disappear from this land
sorry to end the year with a stupid post like this
Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2008
Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2008
nothing much
here i am..writing again..and this time there's no specific things to write about..
i just sent my contract for the practical semester to ZF earlier today..hope that everything will go on smoothly..now there's one thing less to worry about. The next thing is to settle search for a room in Friedrichshafen for the practical semester and start seriously studying for the exams. Oo my motivation where did you fly to..coz i need you rite now..huhu
it's already 11pm here..and usually at this hour during my past holidays in malaysia i would sit in front of the tv watching The Sopranos on HBO with my parents..it's funny in a some way that there's always a character that will die almost in every episodes (of course murdered by those mafias)..hahaha..
and after the show we'll watch The Nanny on Starworld (if i'm not mistaken) and laugh all the way till the end of the show..it's so hilarious how the butler and nanny Fine would always have new ideas to get on CC's nerves..but sometimes in a way i pity CC..coz it's always her who become the victim..oh well..
I need a break..
I miss my family... =(
i just sent my contract for the practical semester to ZF earlier today..hope that everything will go on smoothly..now there's one thing less to worry about. The next thing is to settle search for a room in Friedrichshafen for the practical semester and start seriously studying for the exams. Oo my motivation where did you fly to..coz i need you rite now..huhu
it's already 11pm here..and usually at this hour during my past holidays in malaysia i would sit in front of the tv watching The Sopranos on HBO with my parents..it's funny in a some way that there's always a character that will die almost in every episodes (of course murdered by those mafias)..hahaha..
and after the show we'll watch The Nanny on Starworld (if i'm not mistaken) and laugh all the way till the end of the show..it's so hilarious how the butler and nanny Fine would always have new ideas to get on CC's nerves..but sometimes in a way i pity CC..coz it's always her who become the victim..oh well..
I need a break..
I miss my family... =(
my 2 brothers during raya =)
Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2008
playlist and your mood
its been awhile since i last write here..and this time its gonna be about songs that i listen to according to situations..hope you guys'll have fun with it and don't forget to share yours too!! (wenn ihr Lust habt)
when i'm under stress: normally songs that involve a lot of screaming etc
over my head (better off dead)-Sum 41
seize the day-a7x
when i'm sad
don't speak-No Doubt
chemicals react-Aly and Aj
don't cry-Guns n' Roses
when i'm in the zone: catchy songs with high beats etc
groove shadow-Code Blue OST
when i'm happy!!almost any songs would do..recently:
love-Maybee feat. HUS
1000 tahun (mahu hidup)-Butterfingers
KOH+-Kiss Shite
sunday morning-No Doubt (every sunday morning i'll play this song!! xD )
p/s: i'm dying to see the movie Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist..has anyone seen it??
when i'm under stress: normally songs that involve a lot of screaming etc
over my head (better off dead)-Sum 41
seize the day-a7x
when i'm sad
don't speak-No Doubt
chemicals react-Aly and Aj
don't cry-Guns n' Roses
when i'm in the zone: catchy songs with high beats etc
groove shadow-Code Blue OST
when i'm happy!!almost any songs would do..recently:
love-Maybee feat. HUS
1000 tahun (mahu hidup)-Butterfingers
KOH+-Kiss Shite
sunday morning-No Doubt (every sunday morning i'll play this song!! xD )
p/s: i'm dying to see the movie Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist..has anyone seen it??
Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2008
calm before the storm
it's been long since i last wrote here..to be precise about 2 months already..a lot of things had happened..so much that i don't know which one i should write about..
well, at this time i'm writing on my blog while listening to dream theater..dh lame xdgr..best yg amat..haha
actually tomorrow we'll be having this jamuan raya thingy..so rite now i am maximising my usage of free time..because tomorrow will be a long day (poyoly speaking =p)
and this semester i think i will have problems with the subject informatik..sieht so schwer aus die Vorlesung..so rite now i'm preparing for a countermeasure for that problem..pinjam buku C oder C++ k.e...aku cop dlu kwn2..haha
oh an another thing..i'm also busy preparing for the Praxisstellebewerbung..tgh crk lg firma2 yg best..hope for dear readers yg studying in DE ni could give me a helping hand in providing me with the names of interesting firma for maschinenbauer.
this semester's azam baru:
1. rajin ibadat
2. rajin belajar (hopefully..huhu)
3. verbessern Deutsch und fange mit japanisch wieder an
4. such die beste Firma fuer Praxisstelle (guter Lohn und Konstruktionsaufgabe bevorzugen)
that's all for this time..cheers
well, at this time i'm writing on my blog while listening to dream theater..dh lame xdgr..best yg amat..haha
actually tomorrow we'll be having this jamuan raya thingy..so rite now i am maximising my usage of free time..because tomorrow will be a long day (poyoly speaking =p)
and this semester i think i will have problems with the subject informatik..sieht so schwer aus die Vorlesung..so rite now i'm preparing for a countermeasure for that problem..pinjam buku C oder C++ k.e...aku cop dlu kwn2..haha
oh an another thing..i'm also busy preparing for the Praxisstellebewerbung..tgh crk lg firma2 yg best..hope for dear readers yg studying in DE ni could give me a helping hand in providing me with the names of interesting firma for maschinenbauer.
this semester's azam baru:
1. rajin ibadat
2. rajin belajar (hopefully..huhu)
3. verbessern Deutsch und fange mit japanisch wieder an
4. such die beste Firma fuer Praxisstelle (guter Lohn und Konstruktionsaufgabe bevorzugen)
that's all for this time..cheers
Samstag, 26. Juli 2008
movies and gathering
gathering kecil-kecilan the last time i went home
it's been ages since the last time i update my blog
just finished wathcing a movie called 10 Things I Hate About You..yeah i know that film is like..hmm..so last 5 years and all..but this is also the 2nd time i watch it. Talking bout the movie, it is really sweet (esp. julia stiles) but somehow i feel kind of weird watching it now..probably because it's a teen highschool movie and i am like already in the college or university..but maybe it's just me.. *dah matang la katekn* :p
and talking bout school, today my ex-schoolmates are having a reunion after 5 years of leaving the school..omg i can't it has been that long..i miss u guys and i'm so sorry i couldn't be there..due to circumstances..i REALLY REALLY wanted to be there..so so so (tausend mal) sorry..
maybe some people don't cherish their school days..but mine is like the best time of my life..a lot of things happened and i learned a lot there..
Sonntag, 22. Juni 2008
Montag, 16. Juni 2008
football..hmm..skrg ni musim football..of course la, everybody knows that it is currently the Euro 2008 season now..
actually this post is about football too..aber nicht bestimmt ueber EM 2008..i wanna talk about the proud of the people when their teams play in an international tournament..
imagine, when you're in somewhere overseas like deutschland..and seeing the fans supporting their own teams..and you're sitting there melangut sambil menyokong bukan team negara sendiri..i mean of course la Malaysia x masuk EM ni..tapi kalau tengok world cup and your country didn't qualify for it..menghampakan btol..tambah lagi kalau your friends who have their own teams entering the tournament..and then diorang kutuk Malaysia xmasuk pulak (mcm Selcuk..hahaha)
so i think Malaysia national football team must improve themselves..don't just talk big, but nothing is done..harap tukar baju baru je untuk Asia Cup tp kalah every match..dh la tuan rumah..huhu
that's all for this time..to all my friends, enjoy the EM 2008 but don't forget to study, exam dah dekat (this apllies to me too =p )
p/s:forza italia!! go van Basten..jgn bg Romania mng! ich kann nur die Daumen drucken
actually this post is about football too..aber nicht bestimmt ueber EM 2008..i wanna talk about the proud of the people when their teams play in an international tournament..
imagine, when you're in somewhere overseas like deutschland..and seeing the fans supporting their own teams..and you're sitting there melangut sambil menyokong bukan team negara sendiri..i mean of course la Malaysia x masuk EM ni..tapi kalau tengok world cup and your country didn't qualify for it..menghampakan btol..tambah lagi kalau your friends who have their own teams entering the tournament..and then diorang kutuk Malaysia xmasuk pulak (mcm Selcuk..hahaha)
so i think Malaysia national football team must improve themselves..don't just talk big, but nothing is done..harap tukar baju baru je untuk Asia Cup tp kalah every match..dh la tuan rumah..huhu
that's all for this time..to all my friends, enjoy the EM 2008 but don't forget to study, exam dah dekat (this apllies to me too =p )
p/s:forza italia!! go van Basten..jgn bg Romania mng! ich kann nur die Daumen drucken
Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008
butterflies and hurricanes
everything you are
and everything you were
your number has been called
battles have begun
revenge will surely come
your hard times are ahead
you've got to be the best
you've got to change the world
and you use this chance to be heard
your time is now
let yourself down
don't let yourself go
your last chance has arrived
you've got to be the best
you've got to change the world
and you use this chance to be heard
your time is now
everything you are
and everything you were
your number has been called
battles have begun
revenge will surely come
your hard times are ahead
you've got to be the best
you've got to change the world
and you use this chance to be heard
your time is now
let yourself down
don't let yourself go
your last chance has arrived
you've got to be the best
you've got to change the world
and you use this chance to be heard
your time is now
Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2008
bad day
just when you thought that today is going to be another nice day, it gone bad. and on your bad day, everything is wrong, everything annoys you, and i had one several days before..
it began when i woke up quite late in the morning, about 10 am..and about afternoon came a person who is usually not annoying but that day annoyed me.
and then the one person that i regard as highly annoying never failed to annoy me..it surprised me everytime.
a little while later another person that was not-annoying-before-but-lately-had-been-annoying-to-me came to me and with the 1st word spurred from his/her mouth annoyed me straightaway.
and finally in the evening, the last person that i expect would be annoying annoyed me..it was the last straw, and i snapped afterwards. kesian nachbarin aku dgr aku jerit2 nyanyi lagu BFMV kuat.
somehow i wish i could be like awang and speak my mind out..directly telling to those who annoy me to stop annoying me.
whoever that read this post must think that i'm a psycho or something..huhu..psycho like that chap dlm novel 'Catcher in the Rye'.
p/s: lastly try counting how many 'annoying' or 'annoyed' or 'annoy' are there in this post..hehe..
it began when i woke up quite late in the morning, about 10 am..and about afternoon came a person who is usually not annoying but that day annoyed me.
and then the one person that i regard as highly annoying never failed to annoy me..it surprised me everytime.
a little while later another person that was not-annoying-before-but-lately-had-been-annoying-to-me came to me and with the 1st word spurred from his/her mouth annoyed me straightaway.
and finally in the evening, the last person that i expect would be annoying annoyed me..it was the last straw, and i snapped afterwards. kesian nachbarin aku dgr aku jerit2 nyanyi lagu BFMV kuat.
somehow i wish i could be like awang and speak my mind out..directly telling to those who annoy me to stop annoying me.
whoever that read this post must think that i'm a psycho or something..huhu..psycho like that chap dlm novel 'Catcher in the Rye'.
p/s: lastly try counting how many 'annoying' or 'annoyed' or 'annoy' are there in this post..hehe..
Sonntag, 25. Mai 2008
evil caffeine molecule vs temptation
coffee addiction..to be precise caffeine addiction is something that increase with your age..and something that u can't run from. i wonder why is that so? i'm positive that our parents most probably wouldn't make coffee for us when we're little and told us that we need to drink those everyday, right? But as we get older, we tend to try coffee since it's like macho or cool to drink coffee and be like adults, hence addicted to coffee.(this is just my opinion)
of course there's the pros and cons of drinking coffee..coffee appears to reduce the risk Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson disease, heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2 (what is that type 2 thingy??) etc. but too much of coffee will lead to Hypomagnesaemia (go ask ur doctor friends what this is..i don't know), coronary heart disease, increase the risk of acid reflux etc.so it depends on how you look at it..too much of something is always bad, right?
If you're trying to low your coffee dosage or even stop drinking coffee..here's some tips:
1. try other hot beverages for a change, z.B. herbal tea,hot choc etc. coz normally the addiction to coffee includes addiction of having hot drinks.
2. try changing from espresso based coffee to grain coffee bcoz grain coffee is naturally caffeine free.
3. if u go to starbucks or costa or other coffee houses, try ordering decaffeinated coffee instead of the normal ones. decaf coffee has 85% less caffeine
4. go smash ur friends or ur university coffee machine (in my case) ;p
that's all for this time guys. cheers!
Sonntag, 18. Mai 2008
the reason why...
the day before i went to the stadt to find a new pair of shorts since summer is coming and i never had shorts here in deutschland..so i went to H&M first..but it was very disappointed..
the reason why i hate shopping at H&M:
1) It's too crowded there..i think almost everybody go shopping there
2)you need to wait somewhat like half an hour to get into the fitting room..what i can't accept is that even the women go to the men's floor and use the fitting room there..so dumm!!
3)usually i wouldn't find my size..and it always dissapoint me when i found the pair of pants that i like but i couldn't find the right size..i guess many people do wear pants with the size of 29 or 30 here..
4)there was even no sale the day before but people keep flooding this shop
feeling frustrated i then went to K&L kaufhaus..and what do you know..at my 1st glance i already saw the pair of shorts that i like..furthermore it is my size!!unglaublich..so i was like grabbed the shorts and went straightaway into the fitting room and the shorts look good on me..and after that, like you would expect..it's sofort-kaufen!!
p/s:br bljr cmne nk add vids youtube kt blog..so this is the 1st vid on this blog..
Santana feat. Alex Band-Why don't you and I
the reason why i hate shopping at H&M:
1) It's too crowded there..i think almost everybody go shopping there
2)you need to wait somewhat like half an hour to get into the fitting room..what i can't accept is that even the women go to the men's floor and use the fitting room there..so dumm!!
3)usually i wouldn't find my size..and it always dissapoint me when i found the pair of pants that i like but i couldn't find the right size..i guess many people do wear pants with the size of 29 or 30 here..
4)there was even no sale the day before but people keep flooding this shop
feeling frustrated i then went to K&L kaufhaus..and what do you know..at my 1st glance i already saw the pair of shorts that i like..furthermore it is my size!!unglaublich..so i was like grabbed the shorts and went straightaway into the fitting room and the shorts look good on me..and after that, like you would expect..it's sofort-kaufen!!
p/s:br bljr cmne nk add vids youtube kt blog..so this is the 1st vid on this blog..
Santana feat. Alex Band-Why don't you and I
Dienstag, 29. April 2008
Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don't you know you might find
A better place to play
You said that you'd never been
But all the things that you've seen
Will slowly fade away
So I start a revolution from my bed
'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside the summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
And so Sally can wait,
she knows it's too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away,
but don't look back in anger I heard you say
Take me to the place where you go
Where nobody knows, if it's night or day.
Please don't put your life in the hands
Of a Rock 'n Roll band
Who'll throw it all away
I'm gonna start the revolution from my bed
'Cos you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside cos summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
Cos you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
And So Sally can wait,
she knows it's too late as she's walking on by.
My soul slides away,
but don't look back in anger I heard you say
At least not today...
Don't you know you might find
A better place to play
You said that you'd never been
But all the things that you've seen
Will slowly fade away
So I start a revolution from my bed
'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside the summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
And so Sally can wait,
she knows it's too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away,
but don't look back in anger I heard you say
Take me to the place where you go
Where nobody knows, if it's night or day.
Please don't put your life in the hands
Of a Rock 'n Roll band
Who'll throw it all away
I'm gonna start the revolution from my bed
'Cos you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside cos summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
Cos you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
And So Sally can wait,
she knows it's too late as she's walking on by.
My soul slides away,
but don't look back in anger I heard you say
At least not today...
Freitag, 25. April 2008
Hannover Messe und Cens Haus
Ja..diesmal schreibe ich auf Deutsch..weil manchmal ich mein schriftlich Deutsch üben muss, sonst geht mein Deutsch kaputt..Wie der Titel, diesmal will ich über Hannover Messe schreiben..
Letzte Freitag sind wir zur Hannover Messe mit dem Omnibus gefahren. Meine Kollegen (Selcuk, Toni und Giuseppe) fanden der Bus ganz übel..aber bei mir ist es nicht so schlimm..
Wir haben um 5 Uhr zu der Messe abgefahren..zu früh..und waren wieder zu Hause am Mitternacht..

Letzte Freitag sind wir zur Hannover Messe mit dem Omnibus gefahren. Meine Kollegen (Selcuk, Toni und Giuseppe) fanden der Bus ganz übel..aber bei mir ist es nicht so schlimm..
Wir haben um 5 Uhr zu der Messe abgefahren..zu früh..und waren wieder zu Hause am Mitternacht..
Und hier sind Fotos von der Messe und auch von Cens Haus
Wir sind unterwegs nach Hannover
Schließlich sind wir in Hannover Messe angekommen
Es gibt viele Dinge da, z. B. Zahnräder..
eine riesige Getriebe.. 
und auch der V6 Motor von Audi A4..
Dieser Positionierantrieb ist ähnlich wie unseren Projekt im 2. Semester..
Buyet und Maryam sind sehr begeistert und konzentriert, weil sie auch mit Continental wie Helmut Praxissemester machen wollen.. 
Aber jetzt geht's richtig los..zu dem wahren Ziel...
zum ESSEN!!
und Cens Haus!!
zum ESSEN!!
und Cens Haus!!
Das ist alles, was ich schreiben kann..vielen Dank Hannover Messe und vielen Dank Cen..wir freuen uns auf deinen Besuch nach Aalen!!
*to everybody..pardon my crappy Deutsch and poor Grammatik..it has been ages since i write something auf Deutsch.. =)
Sonntag, 20. April 2008
my past week
it was some kind of a new experience for me in the recent weeks..i ran out of money..juz imagine, my money is already reduced to like two digits when there's still like another two weeks..huhu..pretty scary..but i think this has thought me a very valuable lesson..
it was like at the beginning of last week..i decided to temporarily stop eating at the FH's cafeteria..and eat breakfast at home..and i discovered that (after mengorek-ngorek my own almari kt dapur n the fridge) i still have a lot portion of food..still ade mee, spaghetti, and even a whole row of fruehlingsroll!! imagine that if i didn't go poor suddenly..those food mesti dh terbazir je kn?hmm...
anyway..i really haven't started studying lagi..i made my resolution this semester, that i would only start studying after pfingsten, which is like another 3 weeks lg..muahahaha..lazy me..but i think starting tomorrow i should start my uebungen for proE..since the exam is just after pfingsten, and i would almost be vollbeschaeftigt this pfingsten.. =p
lastly..i recently added new links of blogs here at my blog..it belongs to my cousin n my friend ijat (aka akak Bado hahaha)..feel free to surf them..nk add another flickr of my friend tp dh lupe link dia lak..next time je la =p
Mittwoch, 16. April 2008
stupid post
they think that the world revolves around them
they expect people to lick their ass all the time
this kind of people won't ever excel in life
they're just digging their own hole to fall into it themselves
just like my father once said
even if they achieve something
it won't come with happiness
playing around with the precious one
you'll know your place in this world one day
to put it simply i hate them
hmm...should i instead write it in singular form?
they expect people to lick their ass all the time
this kind of people won't ever excel in life
they're just digging their own hole to fall into it themselves
just like my father once said
even if they achieve something
it won't come with happiness
playing around with the precious one
you'll know your place in this world one day
to put it simply i hate them
hmm...should i instead write it in singular form?
Montag, 31. März 2008
nicht so viele Dinge diesmal

Kenzou and Rei from Proposal Daisakusen
yeah...i coincidentally happen to write this post on the last day of this month..nothing special pn..juz suddenly thought about it..
nway rite now i'm waiting for the english subs of Proposal Daisakusen SP..argh!!!!kenape lambat sgt??i really wanna know the real ending and how Kenzou and Rei will end up..hopefully a happy ending..and bitte..no spoilers here..
go fansubbers for the glory of j-dramas!! =p
another thing..today someone told me about the genius girl from Malaysia that entered oxford at the age of thirteen..and now she had become no one..i don't wanna say what she does now coz i know almost evryone already knew bout this..but it's a pity someone as clever as that is not 'clever' in life..her gift is her a curse (bunyi cm something fr spiderman lak)..hopefully she can set her life back on the right track and repent..
last but not least..an announcement for Kusessian 9903..zap's mother had just passed away..i also was told by ijat..semoga semua dapat sedekahkan al-Fatihah..moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat Allah..
Donnerstag, 20. März 2008
Montag, 17. März 2008
talking about 1st impressions

Getting back to the topic, in my opinion we shouldn't let others to leave us impressions about other people..for example about my thermodynamik lecturer, Prof Rittmann..from what i heard from Skabah and Hilmi he seems strict and u can expect less smile from him and all..but actually he seems like a nice lecturer to me.
So, what i think is that, it's ok to ask your friends for opinions on someone..but just don't let their opinions have a strong effect on your impressions..or else you will have trouble with the person that u met the 1st time..lagi2 la kalau macam aku yang nak mengadap Prof Rittmann the whole semester nih..haha
Lg satu, this post is bukan untuk mngutuk Skabah and Hilmi..just a post of my opinion..korang dua jangan la feel offended k? There's still a lot of things that i can learn from you guys. Nanti aku belanje korang makan =p
Alles Gute zum neuen Semester!!
Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2008
At last..and many thanks
At last, i can start writing back in my blog..huhu..it's been nearly a month of hiatus for this blog..kononnye nk study utk exam..so this blogging thingy is kinda destructing la..tp same je..exam teruk jugak.. =(
Actually, i really feel that this life is so boring without exams..ye la..it's like my life has no purpose..just as soon as i finished my last paper, i felt empty..tak tau ape nk buat..bile ade exam persoalkan pulak the purpose of exams..hmm..i don't know which one is better..
Another thing..thanks so much tio those who voted for my blog for the anugerah kaki seni..with the votes this blog is one of the four finalists..eventhough tak menang pun takpe..dah cukup bersyukur sebab dapat masuk final..many thanks guys!!
So starting from now on i will update my blog again regularly..feel free to reed and comment on the post guys!!
Actually, i really feel that this life is so boring without exams..ye la..it's like my life has no purpose..just as soon as i finished my last paper, i felt empty..tak tau ape nk buat..bile ade exam persoalkan pulak the purpose of exams..hmm..i don't know which one is better..
Another thing..thanks so much tio those who voted for my blog for the anugerah kaki seni..with the votes this blog is one of the four finalists..eventhough tak menang pun takpe..dah cukup bersyukur sebab dapat masuk final..many thanks guys!!
So starting from now on i will update my blog again regularly..feel free to reed and comment on the post guys!!
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