well..my saturday is going to end soon..and what i feel now is that i've had the most perfect saturday for this year today..
it began this morning..i woke up at 9..and after checking the Wettervorhersage i went on to clean my room (it has been for about a month since i clean up my room)..till 10 o'clock i guess..then i peacefully had my breakfast of cornflakes in front of my laptop watching cartoons (hannah montana,kim possible etc2..)..you can say what you want but i still enjoy watching disney cartoons..hehehe..this reminded me of home..where i would usually wake up and straight away have my breakfast infront of the tv on weekends..sigh~
then i took my bath and after zohor i went out to the town alone..walking in the cold air..intending to buy a new snowcap since i lost my old one (most probably misplaced somewhere)..so i went to the quiksilver store n saw a similar design to my older snowcap..i bought that one..and as i was about to leave the shop,this 'brader quiksilver' asked me.."schenkst du nicht deiner Freundin etwas fuer Weinachts?" there he goes again..pandai je nak pengaruh orang beli something lg..mujur la this time i'm not tempted..hahaha..
then i went to mack and have a light lunch..quarktasche and cafe latte..and i notice something (sebenarnye dah lame sedar)..pekerja2 dkt mack tu semua cun2..patut la laku je kedai tu..huhuhu
after that i went window shopping lg..to H&M and S. Oliver tp xbeli ape2..then balik bilik terus.
After maghrib i cooked spaghetti aglio (lagi??)..just to improvise it..nk make it better..and it really is better than the last time i cooked it..hehe..and then ajak Skabah makan sekali (i don't care Sabah tomorrow ur cooking 4 me!!)
So up until just before i write this post i was reading through Technische Mechanic while listening to Dream Theater..u can expect takde ape pun yg masuk kalau belajar macam ni..but still..it is better than doing nothing.
to sum it up..
my perfect Saturday:breakfast and cartoons+window shopping+light lunch+well cooked dinner
i never liked sundays because i always feel sunday is like enjoying the last meal before the execution..the excution is going to class again..
Samstag, 15. Dezember 2007
Montag, 10. Dezember 2007
omg i'm a genius!!
found this thing while going through my friend's blog..

actually mls r nk ckp byk..tp that's the truth..my blog's reading level is genius, to be precise, only a genius can understand my blog..since i can understand my own blog, that means i'm a genius rite?? =p
so everyone yg ade blog,try this link!! =)
Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007
Hisashiburi dane!! It has been a long time since i wrote here..huhuhu..and guess what, we (my group and i) juz passed up our axel project today!!feels like a very heavy burden has been lifted up from my shoulders..haa
And today i got the chance to cook some proper food after almost 2 weeks of eating bread for dinner (kesian kn?ish3...). And the seafood spaghetti that i cooked also is quite delicious, considering this is the 1st time i tried cooking it *angkat bakul sendiri*
and the best part is eating dinner in front of my laptop while enjoying dramas..ahh..feels like heaven!!
Somehow, i also think that i shouldn't waste my time too much rite? During my busy days i remembered about this one sentence: 'Ingat 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara..Lapang sebelum sempit'..that sentence really striked me that time..and i know that i should learn to appreciate my free time and do something useful when i'm free..
juz a reminder and muhasabah diri to all my friends,
Ingat 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara
muda sebelum tua
sihat sebelum sakit
lapang sebelum sempit
kaya sebelum miskin
hidup sebelum mati
And today i got the chance to cook some proper food after almost 2 weeks of eating bread for dinner (kesian kn?ish3...). And the seafood spaghetti that i cooked also is quite delicious, considering this is the 1st time i tried cooking it *angkat bakul sendiri*
and the best part is eating dinner in front of my laptop while enjoying dramas..ahh..feels like heaven!!
Somehow, i also think that i shouldn't waste my time too much rite? During my busy days i remembered about this one sentence: 'Ingat 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara..Lapang sebelum sempit'..that sentence really striked me that time..and i know that i should learn to appreciate my free time and do something useful when i'm free..
juz a reminder and muhasabah diri to all my friends,
Ingat 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara
muda sebelum tua
sihat sebelum sakit
lapang sebelum sempit
kaya sebelum miskin
hidup sebelum mati
Freitag, 23. November 2007
this is 1 of my favourite songs that i love to play on acoustic guitar..sounds really nice and it is full of emotion..
You could see me reaching
So why couldn't you have met me halfway
You could see me bleeding
But you could not put pressure on the wound
You only think about yourself
You only think about yourself
You'd better bend before I go
On the first train to Mexico
You could see me breathing
But you still kept your hand over my mouth
You could feel me seething
But you just turned your nose up in the air
You only think about yourself
You only think about yourself
You'd better bend before I go
On the first train to Mexico
You only think about yourself
You only think about yourself
You'd better bend before I go
On the first train to Mexico...
You could see me reaching
So why couldn't you have met me halfway
You could see me bleeding
But you could not put pressure on the wound
You only think about yourself
You only think about yourself
You'd better bend before I go
On the first train to Mexico
You could see me breathing
But you still kept your hand over my mouth
You could feel me seething
But you just turned your nose up in the air
You only think about yourself
You only think about yourself
You'd better bend before I go
On the first train to Mexico
You only think about yourself
You only think about yourself
You'd better bend before I go
On the first train to Mexico...
Mittwoch, 21. November 2007
ikan bilis+absent minded+my english lecturers
well, it's been quite a long time since i updated my blog here..i don't know why, but the stupid Schraubenberechnung keeps on bugging me lately..that's why..
well, i think it was 2 weeks ago..when i ran out of bekalan ikan bilis..damn..a whole week without ikan bilis..can you imagine that??xboleh buat nasi goreng ikan bilis, sambal goreng, jemput-jemput..my life is dull without ikan bilis..huhuhu..
kunci yg haram---->
fav phrase: "sickening disgusting little people.." ROFL
<----die hochwertigen Ikan Bilis' (plural)
and another thing is that, i have become quite absent minded lately..if you guys noticed the status "mane kunci haram tu ilang lak.." on my messenger last weekend, it's about i misplaced hilmi's bike lock keys..and i couldn't find it till sunday..it's so stupid how my weekend was ruined by my own absent-mindedness..
by the way, i suddenly remembered one of the things that i promised myself to do when i first arrive in Germany..i wanted to send postcards to my english lecturers, Madam Sarah n Mrs Yap..tp sampai skrg xhantar2 lagi..huhu..really missed them though..
fav phrase: "sickening disgusting little people.." ROFL
Samstag, 10. November 2007
weather, bad day and laziness
the weather here in Aalen has been nothing short but schrecklich (it means 'awful' in english)..and yesterday it was snowing from morning to 3 pm in the afternoon..n everyone also cannot go out due to this bad weather..
well..here i think there is a connection between bad weather and bad day..for me, a bad day is caused by a bad weather..tgkla smlm..i couldn't go out until 3 pm..n then when i finally could go out, i discover that kedai asia dh tutup..my stock of ikan bilis dh abis..what to do??tak boleh dh r msk nasi goreng or jemput2 or anything else..n then when i checked out the quiksilver shop pn dh tutup jugak..
FYI i'm not a shopaholic, but i juz wanna buy a pullover, because i discover that i actually don't have a pullover..n it's getting colder day by day here..
i've been very lazy lately..xkire la in terms of mls nk belajar or mls kemas bilik..but the main point is i'm getting lazier..why eh?i juz cleaned up my room..but i think the tidiness of my room won't last for at least juz a week..what to do..
Donnerstag, 1. November 2007
Takziah kepada Awang (senior ALG6 Aalen) atas kehilangan Ayahandanya. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat..
Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2007
my worst nightmare
recently my friend had problems with her tooth..it turns out dat she needs to have the root canal operation..well..i've heard about 'root canal' several times..my mother had that operation a long time ago..it's not that tragic i think..
upon chatting with this friend of mine reminds me back about the thing that i fear the most..that is going to see the dentist..the dentist is the last person i ever want to visit..i guess i have 'dentistphobia'..and it all began when i was in primary school...
*reopening the old scar back*
i think i was in standard 2 when i need to pull my gigi susu out..because the gigi kekal cannot come out..but the gigi susu tu xlonggar lgsg..so i had to go to the dentist..nk cabut that damn gigi yg xnk tercabut sdri tu..
so fine..i went to the dentist..and you know what happened??the dentist actually inject my gusi with anesthetic..and then pull dat gigi susu out dgn playar or something..just imagine how damn painful it was for a standard two boy..and how big is the effect it brought me..till now i still get the shivers everytime i go to the dentist..even utk scaling je pn..so since that tragical day i decided to take a good care of my teeth.
and now i have another problem..my wisdom tooth is dislocated and cannot come out..and that tooth needs to be pulled out because it is 'disturbing' other teeth..and no way i would go to remove this wisdom tooth..because i really2 hate going to dentist!!if the dentist inject me with general anesthetic at my spine to put me to a state of unconciousness than maybe there's a chance for that to happen..or else..no way!!
(question 4 my bound-to-be-doctors friends:boleh ke actually guna general anesthetic utk dental treatment?hehehe..)
another thing that i hope is that my brother Adin would become a dentist..so that i would get the best treatment ever when it comes to dental treatments..
Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2007
faitfhful companions+hiatus+scholar

well i have two faithful companios now..as u can see in the pic....well..i need them that badly because i was having problem waking up early in the morning..tpakse abiskn 20 euro for both of them..xpe la..it's worth it coz they had done a good job so far..and hopefully till the end of my studies..
sorry for the hiatus recently..sedar x sedar dh 2 minggu x blogging nih..all because of the axel project for the machinery elements..
another thing..i damn need my scholar right now..already did the claiming but xdpt lg..500 euros is a lot of money..lari budget habis..
recently byk homeworks..and i hate homeworks..after this ade another project for ME..then for maths lak..
*ich hab' die Nase voll*
sorry for the hiatus recently..sedar x sedar dh 2 minggu x blogging nih..all because of the axel project for the machinery elements..
another thing..i damn need my scholar right now..already did the claiming but xdpt lg..500 euros is a lot of money..lari budget habis..
recently byk homeworks..and i hate homeworks..after this ade another project for ME..then for maths lak..
*ich hab' die Nase voll*
Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2007
machinery elements+iftar+black swindler

machinery elements
well today i had my 1st class of machinery elements (maschinen elemente auf deutsch) with Herr Ebert.well my 1st opinion is that he is a very good professor..but he really 'dropped a bomb' to me today..what do you expect..we already got our project on the first day..eventhough we have not even touch anything on this subject..and now we have to start working on this project..hmm..komisch..
in the picture above is the introduction of the project and the picture of the cd-player was my homework for the subject machinery elements..because i have two blocks of machinery elements per week and each one of them is managed by different professors..one is by Herr Ebert and the other is Herr Merkel..btw the 'cd-player' homework is from Herr Merkel..Herr Merkel is kinda interesting and friendly too..
today i had another kostenlose bukak puasa..hahaha..dh berape hari dh asyik bukak free jer..kelmarin dkt burren,smlm kt masjid n today is courtesy of org2 turki kt sini..Alhamdulillah..may Allah bless them..rs terharu bile tgk masyarakat Islam kt oversea pn kuat jugk..
black swindler
recently juz finished watching kurosaki:the black swindler..best..it's not like the latest story..n i'm not much of a fan of yamapi but horikita maki is really2 cute ~cuteness~ ;)
well today i had my 1st class of machinery elements (maschinen elemente auf deutsch) with Herr Ebert.well my 1st opinion is that he is a very good professor..but he really 'dropped a bomb' to me today..what do you expect..we already got our project on the first day..eventhough we have not even touch anything on this subject..and now we have to start working on this project..hmm..komisch..
in the picture above is the introduction of the project and the picture of the cd-player was my homework for the subject machinery elements..because i have two blocks of machinery elements per week and each one of them is managed by different professors..one is by Herr Ebert and the other is Herr Merkel..btw the 'cd-player' homework is from Herr Merkel..Herr Merkel is kinda interesting and friendly too..
today i had another kostenlose bukak puasa..hahaha..dh berape hari dh asyik bukak free jer..kelmarin dkt burren,smlm kt masjid n today is courtesy of org2 turki kt sini..Alhamdulillah..may Allah bless them..rs terharu bile tgk masyarakat Islam kt oversea pn kuat jugk..
black swindler
recently juz finished watching kurosaki:the black swindler..best..it's not like the latest story..n i'm not much of a fan of yamapi but horikita maki is really2 cute ~cuteness~ ;)
Samstag, 6. Oktober 2007
a surge of emotion
don't depend on anyone
to make you happy when you sad
cause when what you expect didn't come true,
it'll hurt you more
don't float down the river named emotion for too long
soothe yourself
make yourself feel better
let the surge of emotion out of you
like screaming it all out
or scribbling it all out
or anything that you think best
as long as you are happy
seasons change
and so can you
and when you're happy
make others happy too
because happiness is meant to be shared
to make you happy when you sad
cause when what you expect didn't come true,
it'll hurt you more
don't float down the river named emotion for too long
soothe yourself
make yourself feel better
let the surge of emotion out of you
like screaming it all out
or scribbling it all out
or anything that you think best
as long as you are happy
seasons change
and so can you
and when you're happy
make others happy too
because happiness is meant to be shared
Mittwoch, 3. Oktober 2007
something heavier to read

well..since i'm studying in Germany..i have a lot of opportunities to tour around Europe..and as an observant person (at least i think so myself), i didn't fail to notice about the similarities of European Countries. So far i've been to Paris, Amsterdam, Manchester, and also the places in Germany of course..and what i can see when i walk through their market street are shops, which their branches are everywhere around Europe.
take as an example, the picture above..that's the Clockhouse Store in Amsterdam that's incorporated with the fashionable cloth store C&A. I saw a lot of C&A not only in Germany, but also in Paris, Amsterdam, etc..come to think of it, why is it like that?
well..from my point of view (and my mere knowledge in the law of this world), this is all the consequence of GLOBALISATION. The only reason why we see a lot of these shops is that they are the big fishes..they're the one that's controlling the market in Europe. And this is what will happen when you open your market. Well, 'they' are the law of the nature..'survival of the fittest..'
Pardon me, but i'm not really an opposer to globalisation..but one must know that everything have consequences, and have their bright and dark side. And from my opinion, through globalisation, a country could lose their entity..imagine the people here only wear those kind of commercial brands (Esprit, Clockhouse, Zara, etc..) so how can the local industries survive?
sorry readers for the long article though..
Sonntag, 30. September 2007
a new member in the family

Today we welcome a new member in the family..and his name is Multieffect Pedal Zoom G2.1u. It costs me for about 140 euros to buy this pedal but it is very worth of it's price. This pedal have about 40+ effects in it and i'm still in trying to figure out how to use this pedals though..*babbling*
Well..so now i've run out of budget n hoping that i will get my claim on the study fees as fast as possible (well 500 euros is very much indeed)..*fingers crossed*
That's all what i can write for today..for i still need to clean up the mess in my room..and prepare for the new semester..since my class will be starting tomorrow..go Maschinenbau!!
Well..so now i've run out of budget n hoping that i will get my claim on the study fees as fast as possible (well 500 euros is very much indeed)..*fingers crossed*
That's all what i can write for today..for i still need to clean up the mess in my room..and prepare for the new semester..since my class will be starting tomorrow..go Maschinenbau!!
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