well i have two faithful companios now..as u can see in the pic....well..i need them that badly because i was having problem waking up early in the morning..tpakse abiskn 20 euro for both of them..xpe la..it's worth it coz they had done a good job so far..and hopefully till the end of my studies..
sorry for the hiatus recently..sedar x sedar dh 2 minggu x blogging nih..all because of the axel project for the machinery elements..
another thing..i damn need my scholar right now..already did the claiming but xdpt lg..500 euros is a lot of money..lari budget habis..
recently byk homeworks..and i hate homeworks..after this ade another project for ME..then for maths lak..
*ich hab' die Nase voll*
sorry for the hiatus recently..sedar x sedar dh 2 minggu x blogging nih..all because of the axel project for the machinery elements..
another thing..i damn need my scholar right now..already did the claiming but xdpt lg..500 euros is a lot of money..lari budget habis..
recently byk homeworks..and i hate homeworks..after this ade another project for ME..then for maths lak..
*ich hab' die Nase voll*
10 Kommentare:
ayam...ayam!!! if an ayam needs a clock, what so a normal person? hehe...kiddin
(laughing at bado's comment)
ooo..pakat knakn aku eh?u guys r so kejam..huhuhu
tak sangka kau kuit tidur aa..dua jam lagi tu..
haha..my 1st time looking at ur blog.
correction to bado..
if an ayam needs TWO clocks, what abt a normal person?
ah..lapar nk makan ayam
haha dex...
but then, my sentence made sense too when it comes to munk... if say an ayam needs a clock, and munk needs two clocks, this just shows what a 'tak phm bahasa punya ayam' he is...hahaha
500 euro lambat lagi dapat patuk.. aku email jpa kata harddisk mereka rosak, amat la bengong, tu la bli lagi time aktion, tgk!!! macam takde hard copy, maka.. camtula. =.=
to bado:ish2..ur so good at playing wif words eh??ish2..ketua skuad pemusnah yg xngaku diri nih..hahaha
to cb:huhu..sengal r jpa nih..dh klu xde hard copy xkn r aku tpakse antr blk akunye claim??sengal2..
hoho. 1st time aku lawat blog ngko. ala, ko igt jpa je buat hal pasal nk bayar balik duit yuran? Mara pon same jer..
antar la dua kali.. nanti dapat 2x claim.. aaaa...!! bagus tak?! aku dah antar 3x.. 3x500=1500euro.. ko nak gitar ea? kang aku bli 3 utk ko!
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